By Miguel Madrigal 

Tik Tok revolves around content that has 15-60 seconds to tell a story, but it’s critical to capture your viewer's attention within the first 1-2 seconds. Tik Tok works off an algorithm that far exceeds Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Therefore, your likes saved videos, and shared videos matter. If you like to create car videos but watch fitness videos, this will ultimately negatively impact your algorithm. From the influencer's perspective, Tik Tok should be used as a tool. 

Create high-quality content that aligns with your mission, niche, and goal. Creating content doesn't have to be complicated. We can narrow it down to 4 categories:

Problem Solution videos
How-To Videos 
Did You Know Videos
Day In The Life 

Your niche should be found by the “sounds” you find on your for you page (FYP). On TikTok, influencers can make audio files from their original content. Other creators can use the same audio but interpret it differently through their own creative approach. If your original sound goes viral, this will result in thousands of views. 

Hashtags on Tik Tok are very important because they are used to categorize your content. This will help traffic content to your target audience. If you are a fitness influencer make sure to be specific about what sector of fitness is. For example, if you are a powerlifter then you would want to use the terms and hashtags from the powerlifting community. Also, you will want to visit similar accounts and interact with other creators. This will help your algorithm find the ideal consumer and viewer. Follow these accounts and tailor your “For You” page. Use the advanced algorithmic technology which helps place you at the top of the FYP. Lastly, hop onto trends within your community and this will increase the number of impressions. 

Overall, starting a Tik Tok and growing it organically can be intimidating. Just remember, if you capture the audience's attention in the first 1-2 seconds, create relevant content, and utilize the importance of hashtags and the power of Tik Tok’s algorithm, then growing a Tik Tok is just a matter of consistency and time. 
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